Friday, February 04, 2011

Domestic is my Middle Name

Before Christmas I took down my old plaid curtains and bought some greenish tweed and put them up for curtains. They looked terrible. I just folded and stapled them. The garland made them a little better but when that came down I went back to the fabric store.

Then I painted the kitchen and sewed these damask curtains yesterday. I actually bought a braid with tassels for the bottom but it didn't look as good on the bottom as I thought it would.

Here's our TV room before the paint.
Here's the same room today! (It's the same color as in the kitchen, but the lighting is different)
The kids are having school with their animals. It was a lot of fun. More fun than painting, even!

I realized I haven't put the photos of the floors up yet, or the other painted walls, so that's next.

And I made marmalade with my friend Danielle yesterday (it took 5 hrs for 7 pints. I recommend strawberry freezer jam instead).
Then I made orange rolls for breakfast.
The kids also just ate the banana pops we made last night.

Jaxon has a special day at school sometimes where they can bring in anything that has the word pop in it. For 'Pop Friday' Jaxon usually brings plain popcorn because the other alternatives are unhealthy. But this week we dipped a banana in chocolate and froze it. All the kids loved it!
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Stella said...

I'm painting my FINAL room tomorrow. A gray for my photography shoots. I love how it transforms everythign!

Thayer said...

you're so crafty! Way to go, the curtains look great!

Nelly said...

You forgot to mention how delicious the marmalade was. ;) I love the slide show from Finn's 3rd b-day. I don't remember seeing that before. AND, your curtains are amazing....they look even better in person!

EmilyCC said...

So, when will you be coming to work on my house? :)