Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Touch Me Not!

Jaxon and his uncle David (age 13) continually torment and pester each other. Tonight David was slapping Jaxon with a measuring tape or pencil while my dad was hanging a picture. After asking David repeatedly to stop, Jaxon stands and proclaims, "Touch me not, or God will smite you!" Whether he got this from Abinadi or Nephi, I'm not sure, but I am sure it's from the Living Scripture Videos.
This story could end with a sweet discussion of scriptures, prophets, and respecting others' bodies, but it did not.
After quoting the Book of Mormon prophet, Jaxon promptly kicked Uncle David in the crotch.
Nice one, Jaxon.


EmilyCC said...

This is hilarious!

Sometimes, I read blogs and think, "Man, that's not how we live." This is how we live--pronouncements of death and groin shots. Hmmm...no wonder I want a girl someday.

Kate said...

So funny! I love it.

Hope Jaxon is feeling better.