Thursday, March 13, 2008

On March 4th, Mark turned 30. His coworkers teased that he was over the hill, to which Mark responded, "That's an awfully small hill, isn't it?" (they're all in their 40s and 50s). In the morning, we brought him a muffin with a candle, and instead of waking him up by singing "Happy Birthday" as is our tradition, we surprised him getting out of the shower, which is why there aren't pictures of that special moment. :)
For lunch, the kids and I drove out to Phoenix and had a picnic at the lake behind Mark's building. His window over looks this area, and he spends all of his time watching the ducks (so tame, they almost ate out of our hands!) swimming around.
We had cake and presents that night. I was especially proud of the book I made for Mark. It's called "Thirty Years of Laughter, a Tribute to Mark Steed." I compiled memories (from many of you, thanks!) and photos of people who have known Mark over the years. If you didn't get a chance to add one, but would like to, feel free to add any memories as comments to this post.
He also scored a watch, cologne, a shirt and pants, a briefcase, and sunglasses (all for under $100). I totally spoiled him, but in a very thrifty way!
We had a great day and later in the week his mom came out to visit, so we had a family party then.
All in all, it was a pretty fun day. Not a bad way to turn 30. (if you ask me, but I guess I'm not 30 yet . . .)
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Mandy said...

Well, Happy Late Birthday Mark! Andy has his 30th in Sept. (I can't believe how old we are all getting!) I am VERY impressed by your thrifty abilities!! That is a lot of stuff for less than $100!!

Alisa said...

I'm glad Mark had a great birthday. I'd add more memories here, but I think I've spilled the best for his book!

Kate said...

You gave your blog a makeover! Looks great. Those are some fun pics of Mark's birthday.

Shannon Crandall said...

Nice, thirty and still looking fabulous. I was looking for Mark on the internet and found this incredible website. I am tyring to get in touch with him. THis is Mike Crandall from his 3100 years. Can you have him email me at THanks, you guys rock.

Alisa said...

Great new design and masthead! Looks awesome.