Sunday, August 29, 2010

Scenes from an Eight-Year Old

Just now, Jaxon handed me a rock. It was white with gold flecks. No wait, he didn't hand it to me, the tossed it to me.

He said, "Here, mom, take this rock as a memory of me when I go live with Marlene."

Marlene is my mother. He has always called her "Grandma."


I said, "Why would you go live with Marlene?"

Jaxon, "Remember one time when you told me that someday you would send me to live with Marlene? You told me I would go when I was older."

Me: "When did I tell you this?"

Jaxon: "It was a while ago. Probably before I got these underwear." (gestures to the only item of clothing he is wearing.

End Scene


Kate said...

That's so random! I'm totally laughing. He cracks me up!

He was acting sort of funny today... he just kept getting up and wandering around... like he just wanted to see if anyone would say anything. When we'd ask him to sit down, he would. But then he's get up and go out to wander in the hall again. I think he eventually stayed put.

Thanks for all you are doing with the crazy nursery. We'll get it under control! ;)

Four Winns said...

Now THERE is a classic anecdote.

Jessica Steed said...

Yes, Jaxon is quite the character.

Kate, he was very sad Sunday because we just came from the airport where we dropped Mark off for the week. (He'll be back Thursday night) Jaxon missed Mark so much that he came home and took our family photo album and brought it to church. Then he wrote a sign "Do Not Distrb" and put it on his door so he could look at photos of his dad in peace. Poor little guy, he has been really taking it hard.

Even tonight I was trying to get the kids to eat leftovers (unsuccessfully of course) and Jaxon says, "Mom, just for one day can you be nice like DAD?"


Not what I wanted to hear.

Jessica Steed said...

Annie Lizzie,
Yes, we have classic anecdotes like that all the time around here. I need to start writing them down again.

I'm too busy doing Zumba, lately.

brandonm said...

I am always a big fan of Jaxon stories. This one is a classic. Sorry to hear you're on your own this week...