Wednesday, November 17, 2010

iPhone and Christmas Advice Wanted

Christmas came early for me this year (well my old phone broke, too).

I got an iPhone that's unlocked so I can stay on T-Mobile. And so far, with wi-fi in our house, I haven't even had to upgrade the $15 a month for the data package, although I may in the future.

Advice Wanted

We're looking forward to Christmas but I'm leery of buying gifts for the kids. Here's the usual for us:

Me at Thanksgiving: "The kids have too many toys, they don't need any presents for Christmas!"

Me on Christmas Eve: "Holy Cow! How did we get so many presents for the kids? They have a dozen each! This is ridiculous!"



Kate said...

How fun to have an iPhone!

As far as the presents go, the SAME thing happens to me every year. I finished my shopping today... and I am going to really really try to not buy another thing. I also tried to stick with things this year that they really love and play with, and we can just add to the collection (like legos and Wii games). And finally, I tried to not get anything too big that we would have to figure out where to store. Good luck. I know it's so hard. And I never MEAN for them to get so much.
One thing we are doing this year is that the kids are all making homemade gifts for their siblings. It's going to be a bit of extra work on my part, but they are excited about actually having to put some work into the gifts.

Kate said...

I know... too much from me already... but something else that we tried last year was that each kids had to pick two or three things to give away from their current toy stash. We ended up giving the gently used, nicer things to a couple of families in the ward... and then the rest to Goodwill. They were excited to make room for new things.

Bryce, Anna, Porter, Avery and Colette said...

I think Teresa Sheilds gave me the idea a few years ago to stick to 5 presents by a theme, i can't remember exactly but what i remember is something from their list, a toy, a book, clothes, and one other thing. you'd have to ask her, but the concept makes it easy to make it kind of even and place limits... my kids cried last christmas because with what my parents brought plus what we got them they didnt want to open anymore presents. Its so hard not to get too much with all the deals and good things this time of year. good luck!

Jessica Steed said...

Thanks for the comments!

I like the idea of making gifts for siblings. I'm interested to hear what you've got planned.

I remember Teresa telling me about that. Something to wear, something to read, something to play with, something to do maybe?

I was thinking of a family zoo membership. That might be a good way to make Christmas last through the year.