Thursday, December 11, 2008

My Boys

Here's an attempt to put up my first movie! I used Picasa 3 (LooOoove it!) and put our photos to music. Sorry, Mark. It's James Taylor. It was one of my only choices :(

The movie cycles through the pictures twice, and there are a few of the same shots with different effects.
I'd love your opinions. Some of these are going up on our walls.


Jessica Steed said...

Just as a side note, there aren't a lot of pics of Jaxon, that's because we did a separate family photo shoot and he got a lot of pics taken then.

I'll do a movie for that one as well!

Leslie said...

Great pics of you kids. What a cute bunch of boys. And way to go with making a movie. I'm impressed.

Stephanie said...

Really cute pictures! I've never used Picasa to put together a movie / slide show...really cool!

Nelly said...

Great Pics! I'd love to see the other ones of Jaxon and your family ones, too! So cute!

Kate said...

What a great slideshow. Those boys are just all so cute! I love the outfits. Asher's smile is to die for. So infectious. Did you take all of these photos? You're so good!

Alisa said...

I love the red sweaters! Fin surprises me with how big he is, and how expressive his face is.

Also, I love James Taylot. I know a lot of people don't, but I do.

Jessica Steed said...

Thanks everyone! We had these professionally taken. My camera couldn't get this kind of quality, although I do really want to start a photography business. Most of the effects (glow and soften, etc) I did on my own.
Anyway, glad you liked them. We had a fun time.

Jessica Steed said...

Oh, I should link to our amazing photographer, Nicole Hammontree.
She did some special effects on the pictures as well.

Her blog is:

We really liked her and had a good time at both photo sessions.