Sunday, December 14, 2008

Our Little Pavarotti

Today in church, the primary sang two Christmas songs. Jaxon stood in the front and sang the absolute loudest of all the children.
It wasn't just a little loud, it was, as the following high council speaker put it, "a solo."
He was so loud that the pianist starting playing to his speed instead of the chorister.

And, the whole time he had this innocent look of concentration and earnestness.

Mark and I, and the entire congregation were laughing so hard we were crying.
The hysteric laughter peaked at the end when Jaxon finished the last line at the regular rhythm only to be shocked that the other children followed the chorister's ritardando. So, the quizzical look on his face made for a lot of laughs.

Then, as the children were walking down, he whispers loudly to the chorister, our friend Kate, "I sang really LOUD!" with a beaming smile.

Mark got a dozen comments on Jaxon's solo during church. I've had more than a few today by phone. That's one performance I don't want to forget!

(I will post Jaxon's home performance as soon as I upload it)


Kate said...

Jaxon was awesome! He was singing loudly, but really beautifully too. I was so proud of him!
Of course in primary afterward, the whole primary sang both songs PERFECTLY, LOUDLY, and without any picture prompts. I asked why they hadn't done it that well in sacrament meeting, and Kort said, "STAGE-FRIGHT!"
I was kind of embarrassed of the whole performance, like I hadn't prepared the primary well enough... but Jaxon saved us all with comic relief. Yay for him!

Kate said...

I also meant to say that I love the new look of your blog with all of your new pictures! So great.

EmilyCC said...

I love a soloist! Can Jaxon come sing in our Primary next week? And, maybe Kate could lead our motley crew since our very capable chorister will be out of town (heaven, help us!).

Alisa said...

I love this story, Jessica! Thanks for making me laugh out loud!

Kate, you must be a saint. While I loved some aspects of being primary chorister, getting ready to sing in sacramanet meeting, and the actual performance, was so stressful. I always felt like *I* was the one singing the solo.

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

That is too funny! Love the new photographs, you guys look great!

Moss Family said...

I am still giggling to myself just thinking about this. So candid... and so Jackson. He was just doing what he was told, right. Loved the self-appointed "soloist."

Hey... I also hear that you were in just the right place at just the right time yesterday to help a lost boy home. Such a stout visiting teacher... nice "way to be there." :)
