Thursday, February 05, 2009

I'm Every Woman!

A Day in My Life

5:45 AM Wake up stressed about: retreat I'm planning, Cami's wedding, book club meetings, Hemophilia Association stuff, babysitting planning, dinners for friends, finding babysitters, train park today, potty training, remembering infusions, etc.

6:30 AM Give into the stress and get out of bed. Check the computer for email about the retreat I'm planning, my sister's wedding invitations I'm creating, and the dresser I'm buying from the guy on craigslist.

7:00 AM Call my dad to see if and when he can pick up a dresser.

7:05 AM
Call the guy from craigslist to arrange a time.

7:10 AM Call my dad back to tell him, "The guy says if you don't pick it up by noon he'll sell it to someone else." Then I hear the craigslist guy say, "I think you want to call your dad." (OMG! How embarrassing!) And it's not even 7:30.

7:30 AM Call Cami to request a photo of her and her fiance so I can create and order their invitations from the Walgreens website (they didn't like the first draft I did last night).

7:40 AM Call Danielle to tell her I CAN watch her kids, sorry it's last minute.

7:45-8:15 AM Yell at Jaxon continuously until he gets out the door, like always when he hears the bus pull up.

8:00 AM Do infusions for Jaxon and Asher (treatment for their hemophilia).

8:30 AM Attempt to eat breakfast, change diapers, clothe and feed children.

8:45 AM Danielle brings her kids over. I am in pjs with lots of mascara under my eyes.

9:00 AM Tweeze eyebrows to perfection

9:10 AM Shower and get dressed

9:30 AM Create wedding invitations online for Cami. They will be sent to a Walgreens near her.

10:00 AM Read stories to the kids

10:05 AM Put dinner in crock-pot. (Gorditas: 4 chicken breasts (frozen ok), 1 can each black beans and corn, 1 jar salsa, add green onions and cilantro after cooking 4 hr high, 6 on low. Serve in tortillas w/ all the fixings)

10:15 AM Danielle picks up her kids

10:20 AM Pack snacks for the train park

10:50 AM Feed crying Finn in the car, take an exit too early, why can't I remember where this park is? We go all the time.

11:00 AM Arrive at the park and welcome help from Emily unloading the kids.

11:15 AM Play, snack, chat with Emily and her sister, Rachel, who each bring their own two kids.

12:10 PM Lose Asher Curtis

12:11 PM Take Asher Steed to the potty where he pees on his underwear, yes, you need to pull them down further, son.

12:15 PM Recover Asher Curtis

12:20 PM Lose Asher Steed

12:22 PM Recover Asher Steed

12:30 PM Ride the Train (attempt unsuccessfully to get a good pic of the Ashers)

12:50 PM Leave Train Park

1:00-2:45 PM NAPS!

3:00 PM Read stories and cuddle in the rocking chair with Asher and Finn.

3:15 PM Chat with Sandrine (SiL) about fitness and diet tips, also how to cook the duckling I just bought. Push Finn on the swing.

3:40 PM Jaxon arrives home from school.

3:45 PM Take Jaxon to friend Vincent's to play.

3:50 PM Push Asher and Finn in the stroller to Tuesday Morning to buy baby gift. I'm happy to be walking, it's healthful
and good for the environment!

4:00 PM Continue on to Fry's to buy additional ingredients for dinner.

4:30 PM Return home and begin assembling dinner to take to Brittany who just had a baby.

4:40 PM While I'm talking to Brittany about bringing dinner, Finn gets into almost empty Nutella container in trash can and smears it all over himself. Then Asher spills his Kool-Aid at the exact moment I'm cleaning Finn. I practically hang up on Brittany.

4:45 PM Kids are hungry so Asher feeds Finn yogurt and Finn wipes it all over his face, arms, chest, hair and neck.

4:46 PM Danielle calls and says she's picking up Jaxon for soccer.

4:47 PM Call Vincent's mom to have Jaxon RUN home.

4:49 PM Jaxon returns home accompanied by Vincent and his mom who asks me for a tissue because Vincent's nose is bleeding. I notice the fridge is open, how long has it been open?

4:50 PM Jaxon resists going to soccer practice but I get him out the door with a booster seat a water bottle, oh, and his soccer shoes.

5:00 PM Grab the gift, bag, and the food (forgot the homemade jam!) for Brittany. Put kids in the car, no shoes for Finn.

5:15 PM Arrive at Brittany's house, deliver dinner, watch as my children destroy the beautiful fountain in their backyard.

5:17-5:30 PM Hold the most beautiful newborn baby I've ever seen. Seriously. That part of the day slowed down just a little bit.

5:40 PM Say goodbye to Britt and the girls, and head back to pick up Jaxon from soccer.

5:50 PM Jaxon sees me at soccer and gets a frowny face. He's disappointed because he doesn't get to go home with his friend Ethan. He tells me I'm mean.

6:00 PM Feed kids dinner. Jaxon describes it as, "The most disgusting thing you've ever made." (Let's hope Brittany didn't think that!)

6:15 PM Mark sweeps in to save the day. He is welcomed by a disastrous house and crazy kids. I retire to the office for my meal, after graciously weathering Jaxon's insults on my cooking.

6:20 PM My dad and brother come to collect Jaxon's powerwheels toy to fix it. Dad asks for the cash for the dresser, I don't have it. But, I didn't know they were coming over.

6:30 PM Baths for the sticky haired monsters, and a few chocolates for me. Why did I buy that box? Of course, they were on sale.

6:35 Talk to BFF Leslie on the phone about her drive to AJ for a shower gift. What, you're going to be late? Not you! Never!

6:40 PM Begin the Herculean (and still unfinished) task of cleaning the kitchen (pause for a quick pic of me and the kids)

6:50 PM Kiss kids goodnight while Mark reads and prays with them.

6:55 PM Leave for Cubscout Roundtable

7:00-8:30 PM Overwhelmed with Cubscout info

8:35 PM Arrive home as Mark kisses me and walks out the door to set up chairs for a RS function at the church.

8:55 PM Sit down and blog about my day.

1. I didn't do very well in my interactions with Jaxon today. I want to spend more time with him, especially more positive time. We need to find Zen.

2. When my kids stop napping, I am in BIG TROUBLE.

3. I don't sleep well when I'm stressed. When I don't sleep well, I'm cranky.

4. I have great friends. The best. Ever. (and that includes all of my friends and family)


Kate said...

Geez louise... I'm so embarrassed for asking you tonight, of all nights, to watch my kids tomorrow. I knew you were super duper busy, but I didn't know it had been this kind of day. ;)

Hill Family said...

two things 1st it made me tired to even read about your day and 2nd, it made me cry because I now know that I'm not even half the woman you are and to even try would be disappointing so I'm not even going to try and move forward in my life with the little pride I have left. You're FAB!

Unknown said...

Since this is a family friendly blog I won't let out the string of expletives that want to escape from my fingers (and did escape for my mouth as I read this).

Wow. Seriously Wow.

I couldn't do it.

Arizona said...

Ken Pulley here!
Busy day - or was this the slooow one?
Which round table to you go to? I go to the one on 56 St South of Camelback. Who is in Cub Scouts, What rank?

Jessica Steed said...

Sorry that I didn't have my day planned when you asked. My mom ended up being sick the next day, so she couldn't watch my kids and I didn't make it to the conference.

You are twice the woman I am! You have a dog and two babies! And your house is always clean!
Seriously, you are my hero when it comes to "just do it yourself" stuff.

Expletives? I guess I can see that.
There were a few times during the day when I was cursing under my breath.

I am the cubscout committee chair for our pack (it's a church calling). Jaxon is still 6, so he's got a while till he's a scout. We don't do Tiger scouts in our pack, so he has to wait till he's 8.
I'm in the San Tan District and go to Roundtable on Greenfield and Guadalupe.
Good to see you here, thanks for the comment!

Oh, and the rest of the night was crazy, too. I had three concurrent IM conversations, problems with the font color on this post, then I spent some time with Mark.
Yeah, it was a busy day!

EmilyCC said...

My RSS feed only showed the pictures at first, and I laughed at loud at Jaxon's pic. Love it!

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Wow, what a day! You are a busy girl! Your kids are too cute! I agree with the napping, it keeps me sane!

Kate said...

So, you gonna blog about your crazy day/night/morning? I hope you're feeling okay.

Nate said...

. . . And then your appendix has the last laugh.

Jessica Steed said...

I had a helluva time getting the font right for this post, so that's probably why it didn't who up on your reader. Glad you liked Jaxon's pic. I have no idea why he gets into meditation pose.

LoOove the nap!

Thanks again for all of your help.

Ha, ha!