Monday, July 13, 2009

Today's Revelation: Picky Eaters

Like a good mother, I've always insisted that my boys eat what is offered at dinner, or not eat until breakfast. They must try one bite of everything I serve. I'm not forcing them to finish all the food on their plates, as that points to later bad eating behaviors. However, I don't want them to be picky eaters, so I refuse to be a short-order cook.

So, why are my kids such bad eaters at dinner? They eat fine at their other meals, and that's when I realized that I'm a HYPOCRITE!

I am totally a short-order cook throughout the entire day.

Breakfast can be cereal and Carnation Instant Breakfast for Asher, eggs and toast for Jaxon, and yogurt and fruit for Finn.

Lunch is leftover mac and cheese for Finn, veggies and PB & J for Asher, and Turkey and Cheese sandwich for Jaxon.

And I also whip up snacks on demand, like today when Asher brought me the oatmeal tub and I made him oatmeal with apples and cinnamon on the stove.

So, when dinner comes around and mom doesn't give these little guys exactly what they want, they refuse to eat.

Who's fault is it that they're picky eaters? Geez!

1 comment:

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

That is too funny! Good luck!