Wednesday, September 30, 2009

September Laughs

Here's the second installment of the funny things our kids said this month (at least the ones we wrote down). The first is here.

6th: Mark poured milk into an upside down mug. Awesome.

15th: Jaxon's snacking on pretzels and Nutella after school and remarks, "I think when I become a dad, I'll teach my kids how to make this."

16th: When discussing something that is brown, Jaxon says, "French is another word for brown. Vegetarians know that."

17th: This is the first time I notice this language from Asher, but it became more prominent all month, showing up nearly every time he was disinclined to participate in anything.

Me: Asher, come eat your dinner!
Asher: NEVER!

19th: We're watching Coraline as a family (please do NOT show this to your children before you watch it first).
Jaxon is in the fetal position, scared and says,
"I'm telling you, my knees are getting freaked out!"

19th: Asher interrupts Mark with, "Stop, I'm talking to Thomas (his train)."

25th: Jaxon and Mark go to the Diamondbacks game. When they come home Jaxon tells me, "You should have been there, they moved the roof like MAGIC, and we were on the BIG SCREEN!"
(hooray for daddies, little boys, and baseball games)

27th: Jaxon responds politely at breakfast, "Tea would be lovely, Mom. Thanks." Then a few minutes later, "I love you more than life itself." (At this point he can't explain to me what it means, but he saw it on a movie.)

But the best line for this day was when I tried to discourage him from eating an apple. He had the stomach flu the night before and I told him that apples make me sick when I eat them on an upset stomach.

To this advice Jaxon responds, "Apples won't make me sick. That only happens in adults. God told me that before he made me."

28th: I made a new track on the train table (which I do nearly every day three times because Finn gets mad at Asher for something and promptly throws the track all over the room).
Jaxon sees the new track, runs into thank me with this, "Mom, your new track looks FAGNIFICENT!"
(This word is now famous in our home, a stellar combination of fantastsic and magnificent. I invite you to use it as often as you like.)

29th: Asher and Finn have been coming out of their room again and again after I put them to bed. So, imagine my surprise to hear Asher tattling on his little brother by saying, "Uh, Honey, Finley's getting out of his bed."


brandonm said...

I absolutely love these. I can't wait until my kids speak English! (Actually George is doing really well, but I want him to talk like Jaxon!)

EmilyCC said...

I love that Jaxon is learning to be accepting of all lifestyles :)

Alisa said...

I love both posts of this. Fagnificent!

Leslie said...


Four Winns said...

Fagnificent? How did we not use that word when we were roommates?

Chelle said...

These are funny!

Hill Family said...

Adlen has been saying never as well, she'll fold her arms and stick her nose up and say "no I never do that", usually if I say, "lets take a bath" or "get dressed" or anything that I need her to do really

Jessica Steed said...

Yes, Jaxon is just a little funny guy. His teacher actually commented on his vocabulary. Apparently he was using the word vicious in the right context and explained what it meant to his teacher!

EmilyCC, I think he really is. I'm sure he'll love that I posted his made up words when he's 15.

Alisa, Chelle, and Les, thanks!

I'm not sure that we didn't use it. Perhaps we did and just forgot :)

Yes, exercising independence is such a 3 year old thing! The best/worst part of Asher's, "Never!" is that it almost sounds like he'll follow it up with, "Death, first!" like he's on a ship being boarded by pirates.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting these comments, Jess. Your kids are hilarious!

Brooke said...

Those were so good. Thanks for making me laugh.