Monday, November 23, 2009

Halloween 2009

This year for Halloween, Jaxon wanted to be a mummy. But, for his school character parade, he was supposed to be something literary, not scary. So, I helped him dress as a pirate (in 5 min flat, it was awesome!). Here are a few shots of him during his class party playing roll the pumpkin relay, and finding spiders in slimy goo. (The ironic part of me not letting Jaxon go to school as a mummy was that there were many, many graphic, violent, and scary costumes in the parade. A kid in his first grade class dressed as the Halloween murderer Mike Myers).

When Halloween night came, I wrapped Jaxon as a mummy, using a stretchy holey fabric that I got to go around Asher's cast a long time ago. I put that stuff on his limbs and face then covered everything with strips of white fabric. It was tricky, considering I only had 2 saftey pins and it kept falling down all night. If I did it again, I would definitely do some research first. He looked really good though, even our friends didn't recognize him.

Asher wouldn't dress up for his preschool Halloween party, although we had many costumes to choose from (even a train engineer!). He's just a nervous little guy and seems afraid of costumes. So, it was no surprise that Halloween night came and he wouldn't wear a costume. Last year I had to give him a camera and a flowered lei and let him be a tourist. This year I wasn't so clever.

Thus, when Finn saw he could get out of wearing a costume, he opted out too. So, you'll see that only one of our children dressed up for Halloween. I'm not sure when that will change.

The funniest part of the evening was when this 9 ft skeleton walked by and Asher freaks out (check him out in the left corner of the photo. He was terrified, poor thing.
This is him after walking by the tall skeleton. He's sad but look at all that candy! The kids are still begging for it everyday (curses under breath).
Here are my kids and their cousin, Ella who was dressed as a caterpillar.
Asher and Jaxon at the ward Trunk or Treat party.

Mark wore this mask along with his regular clothes.
I was a gypsy, but since I was the photographer, there are no photos of my costume.

Last but not least, as I was chatting with friends at the ward party I was totally unaware that my 2 year old had wandered off to the other end of the parking lot to get his groove on. I got a clip of him dancing to the Monster Mash. In the clip, there's a little hand that crawls around on the ground that Finn starts to kick. I don't blame him, it creeps me out, too.

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EmilyCC said...

That mummy costume is great!

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Your boys are so cute! I love the picture of you and Jaxon. Finn cracks me up. I did a double take with the caterpillar - one too many kids!