Wednesday, January 06, 2010

For Asher's 4th Birthday. . .

Today I sent this email out to some family and friends. I've been delighted at the response we've received both in donations and words of encouragement. The love of our family and friends has brought me to tears. Thank you!

Our little Asher turns 4 on the 16th, the day before the P.F. Chang's half-marathon. Mark and I are running as a team, Stomping Steeds to raise money for the AZ Hemophilia Association.

Both Asher and his big brother Jaxon have severe hemophilia A, which means their blood does not clot at all. Thanks to wonderful health care advances, both boys live normal lives, but they are very much dependent on their expensive tri-weekly medication to be able to run, jump, and play like other boys. The AZ Hemophilia Association is a non-profit that helps families like ours as we navigate the difficulties of raising children with a chronic bleeding disorder. The Association helps us with health insurance reviews, family retreats, and summer camp for our children. As a board member for six years, I know that the AZ Hemophilia Association is dedicated to its mission of enhancing the quality of life of people with bleeding disorders.

So for Asher's 4th birthday, will you give the gift of supporting our team?

Please go to our team page to donate. Any amount will be appreciated. We are 25% to our goal (88% now!) and we know that our friends and family are so supportive that we can reach our goal with only 12 days to go.

Your donation will be rewarded with photos of the race, as Mark and I run/walk/crawl across the finish line.

Thanks and have a happy New Year!
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1 comment:

Arizona said...

Good Luck with the Race - We'll see you at the finish line.
