Monday, April 12, 2010

March Laughs

March and April are usually busy months for us, so it's no surprise that this installment of our "Laughs" series is late and pretty sparse. I hope you enjoy it anyway!

3-05 Finn struggles with very powerful emotions (especially when he's tired). If I do something that makes him mad, he cries, stomps, screams, hits me and yells at me, "GoWay!" In his next breath, he puts his thumb in his mouth, grabs his little baby bear and looks up through his tears, "Rockabye?"

3-10 Asher plays with Milo's ears, pulling them straight up. "Look!" he giggles, "He's a bunny!"

3-13 I ask Finn, "Twinkie (that's his nickname) have I told you how cute you are?" He looks at me and says, "No!"

3-15 Mark was telling Jaxon that he met an inventor who had learned how to make electricity out of garbage. Jaxon laments to Mark, "I haven't figured out how to make electricity go through wood."

3-17 During a movie trailer for Chipmunks, "The Squekuel" they sing, "Shake what your mama gave you." I ask Jaxon what that means and he says, "My clothes. My mom gives me my clothes."

3-18 Mark is singing to himself while cleaning up dinner and Jaxon interrupts with, "Dad, if you like singing so much, why don't you sing all your words?" Then he demonstrates (much like Dori singing to the whale on Finding Nemo). "Jaaaaxoooon, puuut yooour clooooooothes oooonnnnn."

3-20 Jaxon must have picked up on relationship language at school when he says to me, "Mom, I like you but I don't like like you." However, I realize he doesn't really understand the meaning when later that day he says about Milo, "I like like him."


Stella said...

I like like this.

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Your boys are so cute and funny!