I got a call at 2:30 AM that she had checked into the hospital and I was told to bring my camera.
On my way to the hospital I heard the song, "It just some time, little girl you're in the middle of the ride, everything will be alright, everything will be just fine." I started to tear up, imagining the next few hours of childbirth awaiting Tacy, as well as her future with Ella.
Cami and I arrived at the hospital at 3 AM, after my parents and two of Tacy's friends,
All six of us helped support Tacy through the wee hours of the morning, laboring without drugs through intense contractions.
At 7 AM, Tacy's midwife, Janice came and told Tacy she was dilated to 9 cm and then she broke Tacy's water. She promised 30 min to delivery. But it wasn't that easy.
At 7:30 Tacy started pushing in earnest, and although she tried many different positions, the baby's head wouldn't pass behind the pubic bone. She was pretty well stuck.
I do remember the exhaustion. And boy was Tacy exhausted.
Finally, on Saturday June 13th at 9:34 AM Ella Jane came into the world. They put her right on Tacy's chest and we were all in tears because we were overcome with the miracle of this little girl.
Even right now, as I'm writing this, Jaxon's looking at the photo saying, "Boy mom, Tacy sure looks happy."
Here are more photos at my webalbum.
I love birthing stories! Congratulations, Tacy--I love Ella's beautiful head of hair :)
congrats to all of you :)
Sounds like Tacy did a beautiful job bringing Ella into the world. Congratulations to Tacy and you all on such a beautuful baby girl.
What a great post to read! I was just wondering about Tacy and the baby a few days ago... thinking I hadn't heard if the baby had been born yet. How wonderful for you to be there.
Does Ella look like Finn? In that bottom picture, I totally think so!
Cute baby!!!!
Yay for Tacy! What a trooper. And Ella is beautiful.
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