Monday, May 17, 2010

Finn: AKA "The Pill"

*Warning, this post involves a poop story. Read at your own risk.
We don't really call him The Pill, but I do refer to him as my birth control. In the last few weeks, Finn has become the most destructive force in our home.
1. He broke our TV (yes, it cost more than I care to admit, but we thought it would last for a year).
2. He toasted metal measuring spoons and broke the toaster. *(I know a 2 year old should not be near a toaster, it was actually the 4 year old who was toasting and Finn jumped in to help).
3. Today, while trying to be helpful with his potty training, he attempted to empty his poop from the potty bowl into the toilet, but his gag reflex is very sensitive, so he ended up barfing all over the bathroom floor. Thank heavens Mark cleaned it all up. By the way, no one was in the bathroom to see this, we just deduced it from the clues. Finn was just walking around (not wiped yet) the house cool as a cucumber. No big deal.

Mark has started calling Finn a raptor (think Jurassic Park) because he constantly adapts to get into things. He was standing on the counter trying to get candy on the fridge the other day. I can't remember all of the other things on my list but actually as I'm reading what I've written, it occurs to me that Finn isn't the problem, it's his parental supervision that is the problem. :(

I guess that's birth control enough.
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