Sunday, May 23, 2010

Picturesque to Grotesque

I love my life. It's been a really good day. We've been to the park twice, to the gym, made brownies, played and played some more.

There was just one little hiccup, well almost a hiccup. Here's the scene: we're at the park for dinner having a wonderful time. The weather is 75 and sunny with a gentle breeze. The park has a beautiful fountain and the kids are so cute running and playing with us. Then Finn starts coughing and can't stop (he's getting over a little bug). In fact, he coughs so hard that he starts gagging and throws up all over me (you may remember from a previous post that he has a very sensitive gag reflex). Ew, it's in my hair and shirt. I glance down and notice that I'm still wearing my sports bra underneath, so I take off my soiled shirt and try to ignore the damp strand of hair on my neck and back that I know smells like stomach acid.

The Awesomeness of a Mother's Life:
Going from picturesque to grotesque in the blink of an eye.

P.S. What's with Jaxon acting like a teenager at age 7? He just demanded $20 for a yearbook (In elementary school? Come on.) and when I said no, he ran to his room and slammed the door.

"Get back here with that brownie!" I hollered after him.

PPS. The photo of Finn is actually a shot from today at a different park, but doesn't it look just like the one from earlier this week? That photo was taken in the fall I think.

I totally forgot to mention that the first outing to the park involved Finn pooping in his underwear and trying to crawl away while I wiped him. I happened to be on a conference call for the Hemophilia Assoc at the time. Another awesome mothering moment. It must be meaningful that I still thought today was a good day.

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