Sunday, December 26, 2010


We had a lovely Christmas holiday.

It started with Christmas Eve visiting the temple lights with the kids. We heard Jordan Bluth sing (he just moved in our ward). He has an amazing voice. Mark is thinking of taking voice lessons with him.

Here's us at the temple lights.

When we got in the car, Jaxon had the camera and snapped a photo of Mark and me.
When we got home and bathed the kids, we gave them one gift on Christmas Eve.
A nutcracker! It was because we saw the ballet this year (thanks to Asher's school!). Mark's family had the tradition of seeing Nutcracker every year as a family so we enjoyed doing it with our family. All of our kids loved the ballet and they were excited to get their own small nutcracker to sleep with on Christmas Eve.
After the kids were in bed we opened the "gift receptacle" and realized we had a lot of work ahead of us. We were up till midnight wrapping.
But the finished product was worth it! (You can also see our new floor in this photo.)

Here are the stockings. Santa brought the kids Pillow Pets because mom thinks they are a waste of money.

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This year's best Christmas gifts:
Finn- helicopter, horse, transformer, and his brother's airplane (the one Finn picked for Asher at the store)

Asher- Thomas, Pillow Pet, Lightning McQueen, and the airplane his brother likes.

Jaxon- RC helicopter (but we can't get it to fly high), Pillow Pet, and art set.

Jess- PHOTOSHOP! (and cute pajamas)

Mark- NEW TV and blu-ray player (thank heaven's Walgreens was open so we could get the hdmi cord)

Milo (the cat)- Loved his ball in a round track.

Apparently I didn't get a family photo on Christmas, just a bunch of snapshots.

Here are a few.
We opened presents (including one for the cat). Then we had my family over for dinner. After dinner we played soccer in a little field near our house.
After a while, Asher fell in the mud and I walked him home. Poor guy. At least he got a bubble bath!
A few other Christmas pics.

Hope you had a Merry Christmas as well!
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1 comment:

Misi said...

Jason was at walgreens christmas day for an HDMI cord for his blu ray player too!