Monday, December 20, 2010

Home Improvement Project

The day after Thanksgiving we started a flooring project. It was my idea and prodding, I will totally admit. But Mark recognized that our tile and carpet were terrible. The carpet was not quite 5 years old but it was really light colored and had terrible stains from regular wear and tear and 2 babies that spit up a ton, constantly. Also, the tile was poorly installed by the previous owners. But what we didn't know was that they had installed it right on top of the vinyl! It was so yucky. We essentially had to remove two floors in the kitchen and the vinyl was the worst.

Here are photos from that day. Our bishop and his two sons came over to help. They were awesome. My dad came over as well (he's in the overalls).

Thanks everyone!

Here's us eating dinner on our concrete floor. It was take-out spaghetti on a white table cloth. What was I thinking?

Next post: installation!

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