Monday, June 23, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family tree - Genealogy - Celebrity - Collage - Morph


Unknown said...

Really, Paris Hilton and Queen Latifah? humph?

I can see the Kate Winslet thing though.

I am going to try it, and if I don't get Kathy Bates, then I will publish it! Fun!

Unknown said...

I got

Hillary Duff
Charlize Theron (a girl can dream)
Kate Winslet (we are Twins!!)
Carrie Underwood ( I can see it)
Julia Roberts (the blonde verison, but I don't see it!)

and someone else, can't remember now. I'll have to post it sometime!

Jessica Steed said...

My first version had Sally Field as my most look-alike.
But, I don't have much faith in these things because I used the Look-a-Like meter to compare our kids to me and Mark, but it said they were right in the middle.
So, I did 2 pictures of me from the same night (one as mother, one as child) and it said that the "child" me looked 68% like her mother!
So, not that accurate.

EmilyCC said...

Yeah, I never really got those Celebrity Heritage things. I agree with D'Arcy; I can see the Kate Winslet, but um, not Paris or Queen Latifah.