Friday, July 11, 2008

Our Trip to the Mall

Normally a trip to the mall isn't that exciting, but we had a nice family outing.

Here's the double-decker carousel Mark took the boys on.

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We gave Fin a taste of vanilla ice cream. (50 seconds long)
Good times. He'll be a lover of Dairy Queen just like his mama.

Here's Asher at the pet store. My kids want a dog soooo bad! (7 seconds long)


Alisa said...

So cute! So what about Mama and Papa Steed? Do they want a dog too?

Jessica Steed said...

Another creature to care for would probably put me over the edge.
Also, our yard is waaay too small.

Unknown said...

I love your new picture on your blog. And your mall looks much nicer than those here in Utah! We have to go to the zoo to get a carousel!!

Jessica Steed said...

Thanks, D'Arcy.
We like the malls around here, but I tend to spend money when we go, so I don't go very often.
And, that carousel costs $3 per person, so it's almost as much as a trip to the zoo.

Bryce, Anna, Porter, Avery and Colette said...

Definately getting a dog would be like having another child... we got a lab puppy from my inlaws when Porter was 6 months old... a lot of fun and A LOT of work... we have the same yard issue so we get to go on walks every day... good exercise and Porter loves to go outside, but it is SO hot and if I don't take her I pay for it!! But when Porter goes and lays down on her, or throws a ball for her or numerous other cute things they do... its priceless!