Thursday, August 21, 2008

In (late) honor of our Anniversary

August 10th was our 8th wedding anniversary and I wanted to celebrate it with a then/now post.

Then: Lots of cuddling, laying in bed just enjoying being near each other.
Now: At 10PM she says, "Have we even bumped into each other oday?"

Then: No TV, no online distractions (like blogging), we played cards, read the newspaper, visited with neighbors.
Now: We sit side by side on different computers for 3 hours each night, speaking rarely, or by instant message.

Then: "Hey, let's go see a movie tonight." "Yeah!" Cost $2 (the dollar movies)
Now: He says, "Hey, let's go see a movie." She says, "No, we're booked this month, let's try October." Cost $20 babysitters, $20 movie, $5 gas.

Then: She asks, "Are you interested in getting busy tonight?" He answers, "Again? Didn't we do that earlier today?"
Now: He asks, "Are you interested in getting busy tonight?" She answers, "Again? Didn't we do that last week?"

Then: He says, "Let's go on a road trip!"
Now: He says, "Let's never visit friends or family because we don't like to sleep in the same room as our children."

Then: Our conversations were full of inside jokes.
Now: Our conversations are full of content, but always interrupted.

Then: We thought we were happy.
Now: We know we are happy.

Then: At restaurant, she says, "Honey, I'm not very hungry. I'll just eat a little of what you order." "Okay, he says. We'll share."
Now: At restaurant, she says, "Honey, I'm not very hungry. I'll just eat a little of what you order." "No way. Order your own food."


EmilyCC said...

Jessica, I LOVE this!

Kate said...

You are too funny!

Anonymous said...

HILARIOUS! I haven't even posted about our anniversary (which was in May) and so I think I just might now that I have a great idea to follow! That was awesome!

Jessica Steed said...

Thanks, guys!
I got this idea from Mormon Mommy Wars (hers are even funnier).
Also, the pics are from our trip to Sunstone 2 weeks ago. I'm still working on a post for that.

Chelle said...

This is funny! Congrats on the anniversary!

Unknown said...


I will make sure, when I am married to enjoy those first few years.

Then I will make sure, when I am married, to enjoy the current year the most!

Four Winns said...

Good stuff. Even though we aren't as close as we used to be I still feel like I'm in the loop since I knew you guys at the beginning of your relationship. Then I can be all, "Oh yeah! I remember when they were like that!" Cute post and congrats on being married longer than Jen and Brad. Keep going and you might beat Tom and Nicole!

KingdomWriter said...

How true your story is! And funny.

Alisa said...

I didn't check out MMW, but I think these are pretty funny. Happy Anniversary, guys.

Brittany said...

So true So true....