Thursday, July 31, 2008

All About Asher

Here's segment two in the series of things I don't want to forget about my children.

The Best Spin
Asher loves to ask for things in his baby talk, then when I guess what he wants, he nods and smiles, and says, "Okay!" like "Great idea mom, I'd love some chocolate milk!."
When I ask him is he has a poopy diaper, he says, "not yet." Without realizing it, he puts a positive spin on everything.

My Vegetarian
Asher loves fruit and veggies. If I keep the fruit bowl too close, he'll eat the entire thing by the end of the day.
When he wants to be held he says, "Hold you!" and reaches his arms up.
He has no idea how big he is, he acts like a baby but is the size of a 3 year old.

Little Lover
Ash is full of sweet kisses and snuggles. Yesterday we were reading books on my bed and he kept touching his forehead to mine, then he'd give me butterfly kisses, then eskimo kisses and then a little kiss on the lips. He did this over and over. At the end, he gave me a juicy kiss right on my forehead. And I cried. It's such a blessing to have this sweet wonderful boy, so full of love and caring.

The Fan Club
At church, if Asher's not there, people will stop us and ask about him. As he walks through the halls at church, most people greet him with smiles and high fives. He's really the favorite of our family, almost everyone we know would rather spend time with him than with anyone else.

A Peacemaker
When Jaxon occasionally hurts Asher, I will get angry at Jaxon, raise my voice, etc. Then Asher will quietly walk over to Jaxon, put his arm around him and give him a hug.
My heart melts every time.

It's a good thing he learned the sign for frightened really early, because Asher uses that sign a lot. Whether he hears the vacuum, is stranded on a bar stool, or sees a stranger, Asher is a little fraidy-cat. It's really very endearing, and he always wants lots of hugs when he gets scared.

Loves his Daddy
For a while, Asher would cry when he saw Mark putting on his work clothes. He knew that meant Daddy was going to work. Even during the day when we hear a noise that sounds like a car door shutting, Asher jumps up with bright eyes, "Daddy home!"

Summertime Fun
My very very favorite memory of Asher is during the summer. He's wearing a swim diaper at my parents house, and although he is having so much fun swimming in the "warm pool" he climbs out because my mom has just delivered a bowlful of watermelon. Asher runs to the bowl, gets two big handfuls of watermelon and shoves the delicious fruit into his mouth as fast as he can.
I just watch in delighted awe as he smiles while chewing, the red sticky juice running down his belly.
The summer is just not complete without watermelon juice running down Asher's little tummy.


Unknown said...

I think every family is blessed with one of these sweet forgiving, loving souls...each family needs one. Sadly, this is not me in my family! It's my younger sister...but it sure is nice having her as a roommate.

Jessica Steed said...

thanks, D'Arcy
I think you're right about the one special loving soul.
For my family of origin, it's my little sister, too.
She's like the family glue.

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Such a cute idea. I love reading more about your kids!