Friday, November 14, 2008

Las Vegas Road Trip!

My sister Cami and I went on a road trip last weekend to attend Mark's sister's baby shower. Katie's having her second baby and first boy. I called ahead to talk to Justin, Katie's husband, about coming as a surprise. Anticipating Katie's response when we arrived added to my excitement about the trip.

It's kinda funny that we keep hugging and looking at each other, then hugging again.

Here's the video.

After the shower, we went to the strip and watched some shows at Circus, Circus. Cami and I got a sweet deal on Priceline at a nice Courtyard Marriott that was close to Katie's house.

It was so fun to see Katie, Justin, Adlen, and Justin's mom Julie. I also got to meet Jake, Justin's brother, and his wife Ashely and their two kids.
Pretty cool.
Katie's scheduled to have the baby before Christmas, so I wish her luck getting ready for the holidays while being very pregnant.
But, doesn't she look great?