Monday, May 11, 2009

Embarassing Personal Confession #5

Today I learned that the place where you check the oil in your car is NOT, I repeat NOT, the same place you put the oil in.
There is another spot for filling the engine with oil. It's wider, so you don't have to spill it, or try to fashion a funnel out of say, a bottle's nipple.

Not that I did that, or anything. But if you were thinking about trying it, don't. Because it won't fit.
And if you did try it, and it didn't fit, throw the nipple away. Don't put it on a bottle for your baby. That would be really gross.


Hill Family said...

this is my favorite one so far, and mine, as long as we're sharing is that I don't know how to buy bras, infact I had to ask my husband what the number meant and the letter! (I mean I had an idea but wasn't sure)

Jessica Steed said...

That's awesome, Katie.
Let's go bra shopping on Thursday morning! Mark and I are coming up there :)

Nick and Maddy Winward said...

You crack me up!!!