Saturday, October 16, 2010

Re-introducing: Dairy!

Remember when I said this diet wasn't doing anything? Perhaps my tolerance level for my children was low because it was fall break, but today we made a big discovery.

We'd introduced bread on Friday and have had it a little here and there since then.

But today I gave the kids a LOT OF DAIRY at lunch time.
Remember they've been off it for 8 or 9 days.
Breakfast: Oatmeal, Toast with sunflower butter and honey
Snack: Fruit

1-2 cups of milk
cottage cheese stuffed tomatoes (yogurt for Asher)
grilled cheese

Pinto beans
Corn on the cob

In the book I've been reading, "Is This Your Child?" the description of reintroducing diary says that the child feels a stomachache and has a headache. Imagine my surprise when about 45 min after lunch Jaxon says, "I feel nauseous and I have a headache." THEN after I got back from teaching Zumba I told Jaxon to stop playing his Wii game because we were going to walk the babysitter home.

He just collapsed on the floor. I haven't seen THAT behavior for oh, about a week.

Jaxon also talked about not feeling as happy, and said he couldn't think of what to do to be more happy, as though his mood had taken a dive and he couldn't pull himself up.

Finn was also extra active, angry, aggressive, and loud. (The babysitter said she had to tackle him to get him to bed tonight)

Asher (the one who doesn't care that much for dairy to begin with) was surprisingly unchanged by the dairy.

Did I mention what Jaxon said when he saw the milk I brought home?
"Organic milk! I've missed you. I haven't seen you for so long."

Oh, and Finn asked for milk almost every day of our diet.

So, now we will have Finn and Jaxon on a dairy-free diet. How do I do that? Do I have to take the rest of the family off as well?

I'm curious about how the rest of the food reintroduction will go as well. I guess I reintroduced corn tonight since I served corn on the cob. I'll have to try it again tomorrow to see how it goes.


Jenne said...

I'm not a good person to answer but I know a number of mothers who have adjusted diets for allergens and food sensitivities. They've become the go to people for questions like that. I'm on an online discussion board with them and I can send you the link if you'd like. (We try to keep it pretty private so it remains personal)

Stella said...

Wow! That's a pretty sure sign they are allergic. I'm allergic too, but I haven't gone off it all the way yet because I can still handle my moods. Man, I guess we both have to take the plunge.

Four Winns said...

My brother's son couldn't have dairy (and a whole bunch of other things). They didn't change the diet for the whole family though. He just got rice-dream instead of milk, some weird kind of cheese that wasn't dairy and soy ice cream. It seemed to work well for them. Good luck!

EmilyCC said...

I'm with Four Winns...I try to make most of our meals Asher-friendly, but once or twice a week, I make eggs or nuts, and he has a sandwich. Mostly, I do it because I'm not creative enough to come up with solely Asher-safe meals, but I think it's also good preparation for our kids in the real world. The real world can't always accomodate dairy-free.

(Though, I'm completely lucky because Asher has no interest in food he can tell aren't "safe.")