Thursday, October 29, 2009

Finn's Day

Today is Finn's birthday and we did a little food craft for lunch, inspired by Jaxon's book in the photo. It's called Buggy Apples, and it's just apples with raisins (attached with peanut butter) and a grape for a head. The kids loved it.

I also got them to all smile at the same time (miracle!) by copying Jaxon. He puts his finger next to his head and says, "Dwoing!" The kids giggle hysterically.

This new secret is great news because we have a family photo session coming up.


Kate said...

Cute! Can't believe our babies are 2.
I recently discovered a phrase that gets all of my kids to laugh... "You're killin' me, smalls." Gets them every time.

Nelly said...

Happy b-day, Finn! Is Jackson home sick, or did you let him play hookie for the b-day festivities? ;) Those ladybugs look yummy and cute- we'll have to make some.

Jessica Steed said...

Yes, our babies are two!

But you guys are on your way to another baby, so it's not quite the same :)

Jaxon was sick and he's saying he's sick today still.

I hate the sick that is just a little too bad to go to school, but not bad enough to keep him from bugging his brothers.