Saturday, October 04, 2008

How They Play

Jaxon really loves to play with Finn. Here's a clip of them playing together. (You'll hear Asher in the background singing the Green Jellybean song from the last video post.)

Next is our little family Ring Around the Rosies. Asher thinks he's the camera crew, so watch out.)


Nick and Maddy Winward said...

Love the videos! Raising three boys is the best!

Unknown said...

So, I guess after three boys you are not worried that Phin's arms will be pulled out and that Jaxon will give him brain damage? lol!

I need to hang out with kids more often, obviously I get scared by things I shouldn't.

Jessica Steed said...

D'Arcy, what part were you scared about?
You're right, I don't get scared like I used to.
Finn is a tough cookie even though (or because) his brothers are rough with him.
I think the other video (the one I didn't put up) was the one that could be CPS worthy. Jaxon got a little out of hand with the pillow.

Thanks! We have our hands full, don't we?

Unknown said...

Sorry, I've been spelling Finn wrong! I won't do it again!

Just the way Jaxon was pulling his arms and then hitting him with the pillow, I was like "How can Finn be laughing at this?!!1" But kids are strong and tough and I bet with three boys this is VERY mild.