Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Voting for FHE

For Family Home Evening last night Mark and I filled out our Early Voting Ballots.
(FYI, FHE is always easier without the kids)

We got our ballots out, lounged on the couch, read about the propositions, debated, researched online using the laptop, and felt really confident with our selections.

This is our first time using Early Voting and I LOVE IT!

Election day is usually stressful for me, trying to find a time to go down and vote, and then I'm in a hurry, did I forget my ID? Am I at the wrong polling place?

Not this time. I slid the sealed and signed envelopes in the mailbox and WE'RE DONE!

Happy voting in 2 weeks for the rest of you. :)
(nah, nah, na nah, nah.)

I'm really not that mean. If you're in AZ here are the Early Voting locations. Better yet, go here and submit your request online before October 24 and they'll send your ballot in the mail, like mine!


EmilyCC said...

You're so smart! Thanks for the link--I just submitted my request :)

Nate said...

No early voting in MI. Sad . . .

Jessica Steed said...

Glad to be of service!

I am sorry for you.
Good luck with getting to the polls on election day.

Did you end up getting a car? I know Sandrine was eager to stop driving you to and from work . . .

Nate said...

09 Civic. Don't tell my parents. Dad will freak that we got a new car.

Jessica Steed said...

Congrats, of course! What color?

Nate said...

Black, with a moon roof and USB iPod jack so you can control it from the steering wheel.

I thought about buying American, being in Michigan and all. But then I though I'd actually be doing a disservice to American manufacturers if I sent them a message that their subpar vehicles were somehow acceptable. This way they now have a greater incentive to innovate.

I mean seriously. The Prius has been out for well over 6 years and Detroit still hasn't come up with something comparable. That's just embarrassing.