Friday, October 17, 2008

My Multi-Tasking Obsession

From Blogger Pictures

Like most women, I multi-task. This is not a new thing, women for thousands of years have planted and harvested while keeping track of a dozen children, including one strapped to their back.

But, I'm starting to think I'm going over the top with this multi-tasking, so here's a few things that may or may not surprise you about my efficiency, such as it is.

I clean the house, especially loading the dishes while I'm talking on the phone
I brush my teeth while putting on my shoes
While carrying baby (or anything) I pick up clutter with my feet.
I scrub the shower while showering
I apply make-up in the car (as a passenger, or at stop lights or in the parking lot, NOT while driving)
I read a book on the elliptical at the gym
I teach Jaxon phonics while cooking dinner
Sometimes I hold my baby while blogging
Occasionally, I use the toilet while talking on the phone (yes, this is slightly embarrassing, but I'm betting I'm not the only one)
I clean the sinks and mirror while my children are in the bathtub

There are probably more, but I just can't think of them.

How do you multi-task?


Stephanie said...

I had to laugh at your list. I do a lot of the same things...including talking on the phone while using the bathroom. The day I discovered that I can clean my bathroom while the kids were in the tub was a break through for my "motherhood". I realized that I can have a clean house with kids everywhere. I just have to be creative to keep it clean.

EmilyCC said...

I blog while I grade (or am supposed to be grading).
I keep a bottle of lotion in the car, so I can put lotion on my legs while I'm at a stoplight.

Love multi-tasking feels so efficient!

Jenga said...

As a husband, I'm constantly humbled by Jessica's ability to multi-task. But now I realize, I too actually multi-task by reading in the bathroom and eating while watching T.V. Boy do I feel good about myself! Thanks honey!

brandonm said...

Very funny--and actually you gave me some good ideas. I always roll my eyes when Meghan says women are better at multi-tasking, but maybe you'ver just proved it to me.

And Mark reminded me I'm even better at it than I thought!

Brandon (now you know my bloggername!)