Sunday, January 18, 2009

Embarrassing Personal Confession #1

Following in the footsteps of one of my favorite bloggers, and with the resolution of making my blog more "real" and less "TAMN" in 2009, I'm starting a new series.

Be forewarned, these posts may contain TMI (too much information) so, read with caution. (this post is clean, though)

Last night, while playing a card game with friends, I was trying to make a word out of the letters on each of my cards.

They were something like

P, D, G, I, F

So, I organize them and ask, "is GID a word?"

Brandon responds, "Um, no but DIG is."

Duh . . . (it was late).

(and so is FIG, and PIG, in case you were wondering)


brandonm said...

LOL! Though, I must admit my recollection was that Mark pointed that out...but in all honesty I'm tactless enough that it probably was me!

We had such a blast on Saturday--and both Meghan and I look forward to our next chance to hang out with you guys. ("Hanging out" is okay for married couples, right?)

Jenga said...

Thanks Brandon. It could have been Mark. I really don't remember, my excuse is only that I was tired.

Yes, we'd love to hang out with you guys again.
In fact, Mark got the Wii Fit game today, so you don't have to bring yours next time.

Maybe we'll have to get an HDTV too . . .

brandonm said...

So Meghan assures me that I was indeed the tool who pointed that out to you. Sorry, Mark, for trying to pawn it off on you!

I hope you guys enjoy the Wii Fit!

Jessica Steed said...

No worried, Brandon.
It wasn't my most brilliant moment, indeed.
We are enjoying the Wii fit, and actually Mark's We Ski (with the balance board) even more.

(that Jenga comment was me, btw)