Thursday, September 11, 2008

Singing, Singing and Crawling

Alisa, this one's for you!

After we recorded this, Asher wanted a turn, so here's his 6 second version.
(Tell me if you can hear, "Don't Eat Jelly Bean")

And of course, here's our first video of Finn crawling. Asher and I got a bit of footage, too. (Note the "Champ" bib that Finn is sporting, very appropriate)


Alisa said...

Yea! I love it! Jaxon is so good at singing. Man, he reminds me of Mark.

Jessica Steed said...

Mark will be so glad that you said that :)
It was so funny the day that Jaxon came home singing that song.
Every other day I can't get anything out of him, not who he sits by, what he did at recess or who he eats lunch with.
Then he sings this song, word for word! I was shocked. But, he really thought it was funny.

EmilyCC said...

I love Asher's version of the song, too. (And, love your mom pause at the end--is he done? will there be more? No? YAY!)

Elizabeth said...

I love the videos! So cute!